Just upgrade your telephone subscription or take out additional travel insurance. More and more often it happens on-line. With all knowledge and experience in-house, Qaleido has the ability to quickly and efficiently set up a dynamic product catalogue with which you can offer your customers a tailor-made range of products.
In the past, we have implemented this solution at Solcon, a large internet provider. This ensures that their customers always see a tailor-made range of products. This is determined on the basis of a number of parameters that the customer partly enters or is already known to the company (e. g. postal code, family composition, current subscription). In this way, each customer can easily compose their own customised package.
Moreover, the product catalogue is very flexible. It takes little effort to expand or change it. With just a few clicks, the proposition can be adjusted. Do you want to launch a new campaign tomorrow? It’s possible!
Creating a dynamic product catalogue is particularly interesting for companies that offer a wide range of services such as internet providers, energy companies, insurance companies, health insurers or financial institutions.
Are you also aware of the added value of a dynamic product catalogue for your company? Let us know! We will be pleased to make an appointment to see what we can do for you.

Address: Postbus 337, 8250 AH Dronten, Netherlands
Hours: Monday – Friday : 09:00AM – 5:30PM