Webhosting AAS is intended for software builders who are excellent at software development but do not like to be involved in server hosting. We install, manage and monitor your application servers.
In cooperation with you, we determine the optimal recipe for your hosting. So which platform / virtualization, how many servers, whether or not load balancing and which level and mode of caching. For example with Redis, Varnish, a CDN or old-school Xcache. Since we determine your growth model in advance in cooperation with you, you know exactly for which steps you are ready when you get more successful.
Our engineers work in close collaboration with the developers. We also keep incident response times as short as possible to enable your developers to work rapidly.
We can offer servers with tools such as DirectAdmin or Plesk to manage your hosting environments.
Permanent or Temporary test and acceptance environments are part of our solution. Thanks to our automation with tools such as Ansible, we can quickly create new test environments. If desired at your location.
We link, host or link to your GIT repository and advise you on the best and most secure solution for your work process. Your source code remains secure and yet accessable to your developers at the same time.
Container-virtualization is one of our solutions. This allows you to deploy new software environments yourself through a system. Please contact us for the possibilities.

Address: Postbus 337, 8250 AH Dronten, Netherlands
Hours: Monday – Friday : 09:00AM – 5:30PM